Friday, November 03, 2006

Avoidance Tactics

I am not studying. Why? Because I have an exam tomorrow. As soon as desperation and dire straits are on the horizon, I go into shutdown mode and instead put curlers in my hair and watch such satisfying moves as Anna and the King. I am looking at a practise problem about Squiggle, Steam Shovel and Pat. Ooh, Anna and the King are arguing. OH go Siam-man. GO! Oh shoosh Jodie Foster. You're annoying. And stupid.

So, upon this threat of death by exam tomorrow, I must go and at least pretend that I will be able to write something, even though I shan't. I've never done practise writing before, and I suppose now that I start, I'll do horridly.

I wish I lived in 1836 Siam.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what u mean, that was my mood all last week in which I had my exams...funny how u said "watch satisfying moves"..I know u meant mind I have..Good Luck w the rest of exams ..Elle**

Anonymous said...

I've been drinking my troubles away. HIGHLY reccomended.

Anonymous said...

No more crim, ladeedadeeda I would burn my books but I'm afraid that I might accidentally commit and offence contrary to s444 of the Code and need to rely on s2-bad cait! bad cait! No more Crim!!

Anonymous said...

Argh! Rhenish fan? Rhenish fan?! What the heck is a Rhenish fan? And who is this Rosch fellow?... Oh I have way too much study to do for this...

rosemarie said...

hey, people commented on my blog! woo!