There are some songs I don't think I can live without.
Really? she flicked her butt to the ground and looked up.
Yeah, I think so. I listen to them and I come away from...some edge. They bring me. Does that make sense?
No, not really. Why do you do it then, if music is enough? If it's-
-it's not though. He rubs his eye with his sleeve, catches his eyelid with his watch. Ow, fuck. Yeah, nah it's not enough. It- look fuck I don't know do I it just...why do you always have to ask questions? Fuck you.
Whatever, don't be a whore about it. Fuck, it's like 2 o'clock. I have to work tomorrow.
He reached out to her. No, stay a bit more. It's cold up here, I'll get all cold without you.
Oh shut up. You're so annoying. She stands up and pulls her jeans up by the belt, kicking her legs out and tucking her fingers into her underarms to keep them warm.
I might be annoying, but I'm also the best ever. Cmon staaaaaay. Look at the view, fuck, it's so good. I don't know how lights can be so.....bright?
Haha, fuck you are so stupid. Fine. But not for long. I have to work in the morning and it's so shit when I'm tired at work. She sits down again beside him, dangling her legs off the barrier.
Shit, car!
Fuck, jump down, go! They jump off the freeway railing into the scrub below.
Has it gone past yet?
Don't you think you'd hear it? Hang on...
God I hate this. Best place to sit in town, except it's on a fucking freeway. Go figure, fucking government or some shit, always doing this shit. Like, build a fucking house here or something.
You're so circumspective, have I ever told you that?
Stop using big words, why can't you talk like a normal person? He pulls out his lighter. Another?
Nah it's good. But feel free.
Oh I will. He lights up. Man I don't know how people can live without this shit. It's like a fucking drug.
It is a drug you loser. She slaps his knee and he holds her hand there. Sometimes I wonder why I spend my nights with you like this.
Like what?
Well, normal people go out, have dinner, go to clubs, watch movies, have sex like rabbits-
Yeah, well we've done all that.
Well not all of it.
Yeah...well. He takes a drag. Whatever. Give it time! You're so impatient.
I'M impatient? I'm sorry, who's the one who expects me to leap to attention whenever he has a spare night?
That's not impatience, you know you want to.
Fuck off.
Ahaha, here. He coughs. Have a drag, stop being shit.
I'm not being shit. She takes a drag. You're so bad for me.
Why? He takes hold of her hand.
Because you're like this! Because we're like this, and like, I don't know, you hold my hand on a freeway railing? Why can't we be normal?
You want to be normal? Aren't you always the one telling me that normal is what, boring as batshit?
Yes but...oh fuck you. You know what I mean. Why are you like this? You're such a fucking douche.
Douche? Like what even is that word? You pull these fucking words on me, can't you just talk like a normal person?
Only if you conventionalise our relationship.
Fuck you.
Fuck you more.
You wish.
Yeah, so? You'd think after two years you would too.
Did I say I didn't?
It's not what you have said but what you haven't said. She pulls her hand back. What you think I'm stupid?
Well, now you ask-
-no fuck you. You're so unfair to me.
Aren't you making this a bit personal now?
Well it is fucking personal. She kicks his foot. It is fucking personal, idiot.
Don't call me an idiot.
Oh for god's sake don't get all defensive and offended on me.
Well you called me an idiot!
Yes and you make me sit with you on a freeway overpass at 2am in the morning hoping like a fucking WANKER that you will say something I want to hear!
guh....can't you just leave it?
no i can't! i always leave it and it's always the same! how is this fair to me?
what about me? he flicks his butt back onto the road. what about what's fair for me?
oh, that's right 'let me go fuck around, you wait here, i'll be back in a couple of years, but in the supervening time i'll hold your hand on freeway overpasses.' fuck you. you're such a fuck. i hate you.
ugh, you are so annoying!
I'M annoying! she moves away from him. fuck you.
no, come on, shut up, come here.
no, fuck you. you're always like this and i'm sick of it.
come here, stop being stupid. He holds out his hands.
She doesn't move. No, you're always like this. I told you, it's not fair. It's not fair.
He moves over to her, puts his arm around her. God you are so annoying.
Look just...give it some time.
I've GIVEN it time. And you're still fucking retarded.
Well, it just has to be like that. I'm sorry, you know I love you...
No don't pull that shit on me, you always say that-
-because it's true. Now stop talking and enjoy the view.
and if i don't want-
-shut up. enjoy the view. Jesus woman, you are worse than anyone I've ever known.
You've just got no examp-
-stop talking. He rubs her arm gently and hugs her to him. Just enjoy the view.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
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