Friday, August 18, 2006

Ponderous thoughts

The little things I've learnt that probably mean nothing.

the only thing worse than not getting what you want is getting what you want and realising you were wrong.

the only people who can hurt you are the people you allow to get close enough to do so

doing what's right is not always doing what's best, much the same as doing what is wrong is not always doing what's worse: i guess it's a question of conscience.

nice out don't equal nice in.

truth is what you don't want to hear.

lies are what you don't need to hear.

it is far easier to get along with someone nothing like you

winning little victories doesn't make you stronger, but letting them go does

letting people get under your skin is a process of listening > processing > accepting

being told what to do makes you want to do the complete opposite

politics is a playground with cameras and suits

being boring is only a matter of having no interest in the world outside

it is impossible to drive and talk on the phone and try and reach your ipod that has fallen on the ground at the same time

no matter what vendetta you lead, people like paris hilton will still find ways of being public idiots

...and my current favourite

the irony in being free to do what you want is that you must not do what you are told

ho hum yes.



rosemarie said...

hmmmm... it appears comments cannot be posted to my blog...

rosemarie said...

but i can... gah

Caitlin said...

Now's your chance to make hundreds of accusatory comments and take people's silence as complete agreement!

Anonymous said...

I already agreed, but it swallowed my comment. Odd.