So, what changes now that i can do titles. Well... lets see!
It is true that:
- You will now have a conveniently simple way of establishing which posts you desire to read and which you will steer clear of for hygiene/faith-incurred reasons
- My blog is now really, really classy
- Titles mean that I am cool
It is not true that:
- My blog will now start flashing upon voice command
- I have moved to Tuvalu and am performing these incredible acts as a result of supernatural intervention
- The Tripitake was my inspiration for this blog
- Interpolation is now my last name by deed poll.
After not posting on this site for a really really long time, i now feel obliged to do a little update. After indulging in many many after party glasses of apple and kiwi cordial, school finished. Leavers happened, occured and is now a faint memory, barring my outstanding warrant for arrest for assault occasioning bodily harm. Many people also happened, and in this controversial update i may just have to name a few things/people that DID occur...
- Anna got with Tim
- Lana got with Glen
- Chelsea got with Alex
- Rhiannon cheated on Jon with approximately 406.34 men and then grew another foot.
- Jess got with Lepsie (if you didn't know, you haven't been alive for the past two weeks)
- In a getting-with marathon, Jess also got with a guy called Nick
- Leon got with ______ (this really is a little too controversial to be actually documented)
- David got with Tiana
- Rosie got with NO ONE! woot ($20 richer)
- Rosie's 400 year old tent leaked
- Annas glasses were stolen. Or misappropriated in such away that led Anna to believe that the guy who picked them up had done so with the intention of not returning them
- Lana got roaring drunk and interrupted songs by Hoju, Lawrence and Tim while Mark was barely alive on the bed
- James managed to NOT abuse anyone under severe inebriation
- Emma didn't come to leavers
- Nor did Steph
- Alex Tempone was resented by a large proportion of the Scotch house for seducing all their women-folk
- We left David at a bakery
- Adrian Khoo got sloshed on two beers and projectile vomited (of his own claiming) all over the Scotch kitchen.
- Adrian also stole Malibu so he could feel that 'floaty, dizzy feeling' faster
- Mark consumed in excess of 10 standard drinks in as many minutes and succumbed to unconsciousness in a similar time span.
- My leavers jumper was spewed on
- Toolies were EVERYWHERE
- There was a significant UNabundance of hot boys available for spying on with misappropriated binoculars
- A huge bonfire on the beach incurred with arrival of a fire engine and police who 'shut that shit down'.
- Daytimes were boring
- An aptly named Scat tried to seduce Rhiannon to no avail. She had had her share earlier in the day with the 406.34 men
- The pancakes - sorry ladies - were gross
- It rained and it sucked
- An airhorn was the main source of amusement on Saturday night
- Friday night ROCKED OUT (go man)
- Man was seduced by a joolie/julie (junior schoolie)
- No one with anything immoral! or did they...
- Jeremy and Richard thought that a 440mL solo was good value.. yeah... right...
- The Scotch house cooked linguini and crèpes with lemon juice and sugar while we had sausage rolls and pies and mee goreng. (that's the asian spelling, btw)
- Many, many people tried to crash the scotch house, and i have discovered in a number of blogs references to their wistful stares and longings for entry. HA.
- Scotchies were awesome in opening their house (and their minds, i think) to us
- Lana and I met double bass guy from phil and his name is TIM and he was cool! and i got his number... even though i dont actually remember getting it
- Everyone bar me walked into busselton... aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
- Dunsborough SUCKED while busso ROCKED OUR WORLD
- I... MAY have got a message
- The bouncy pillow gave me whiplash. Honestly.
- Heaps of guys were ultra sleazy
- So much alcohol was consumed that it was no unusual for people to get hangovers in the middle of the next day, subsequently crashing and burning
- When we came back, the oft heard word to describe the phenomenon was 'weird'.
It was an interesting time. And i mean that in that way you use when you have someone asking you if you like their crappy jumper, or if the sex was good and you're like "it's.........interesting". But it was also a wicked (ladsy trash, if you're tim and its still your msn name) time and a sad time, in that many of the people i will never see again... actually, let me take that back (figuratively, because if i deleted it, you wouldn't really understand) and say THAT MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY. Well, some people anyway.
To all the friends I will lose over time, I hope you got something from our friendship (although, if it's my ipod, i'd appreciate a cheque in the mail) and that you make something worthwhile of the life you have to live, because if you don't, it will suck, look bad that i was your friend, and basically be bad for all of us. Do good stuff, and good stuff shall follow.
To the friends I made, it was awesome to meet you. I hope you go into the following category, and not the prior. I hope i get to know more about you and that we can explore the future (BEING 18 OH YEAH) in a way that is good (if you're hot) and educational (if you're not).
To the friends I will keep, thank you.
I was soooooo not unconcious - hehe - that friday night sounds like it was a lot of fun - shame i missed it!!! Woot thanks everoyone who looked after me - lawrence, rosie, alan...
oh that's ok... although i cant speak for the other two... i didn't actually do too much :P
what are you aheming about? Do you know we actually left you at a bakery TWICE
hey hey, that was the awesomest time ever!! great thinking in writing down the ah....make-out list :P i think that you should have written the 'anonymous' person's name who got with leon...
love jess xxoo
I should have gone.
I will go next year,
When you're all one wrinkle older.
And dying of some horrible flu that only attacks old people and the living dead.
actually james i think you will find that it will be young people who will be adversely affected by the next horrible flu. something called a ...something (starts with p) storm is triggered in the body by h251n or wateva the code is for birdflu (it IS midnight)which causes the body to basically overreact. same as the spanish flu, which was devastating for the same reason. damn spanish.
i dont get how i started talking about bird flu on a comment board about leavers.... hmmmmmm
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